What's important to you? 

We can help you to fill your week with activities and programs that help you to find your passion and live life your way!

Contact us today and tell us what you want out of your life,

so we can support you to make it happen!

What are you looking for?

Find a Community Hub in your area

Join a social group or make new friends

• Learn new skills

• Achieve your goals with Yooralla support.

Find your passion and do what you love… whatever that might be!

What’s important to you in your life? What are your goals?

Fun, friendships, skill building, learning, creative pursuits, interests, social events, community access and involvement, job skills, confidence and independence building…There are many NDIS Social and Community Participation options available, depending on what you want to achieve.

Yooralla’s programs and supports can be tailored to your needs and interests. Talk to us today about what’s important to you, and together, we can work on a plan for you to  find your passion and live life your way!

Whether it’s new skills you want to learn, or you’d like to discover a new passion or even do more of what you love...tell us what you want out of life and we can help!

Want to get social? We have many opportunities to get social and make friends and connections, including our Social Groups or getting support to participate in your community. 

Looking for a place to hang out with others and do more of what interests you? Interested in getting into your local community more and making new friends? Our Community Hubs may be for you!

Need a holiday? Get the support you need to go on a holiday or weekend away, or participate in a fun organised camp or overnight holiday
with others.

Get the support you need to get out and about and live life your way. We can provide one-to-one individual supports for everyday tasks and to support you with social and community activities, including to participate in group activities.

Interested in getting a job or learning skills to help you to get a job or start your own business? Talk to us about your goals and together let’s make it happen!

Find your passion and live life your way!


Step 1

Think about what’s important to you in your life? What are your goals? Is there anything you’d love to be doing that you’re not currently doing?

Step 2

Take a look through this web page and see the types of programs we have to support you to live life your way. We can tailor programs to your needs and interests, so don’t be limited by what’s on the website…use your imagination!

Step 3

Contact us to tell us what you want out of your life. We will talk to you about your goals, interests and needs and where you want to spend your time. Together, we can work on a plan to help you to find your passion and live life your way!

App Mockup Placeholder

About Yooralla’s NDIS Social and Community Participation Supports

Yooralla supports adults with disability of all ages and needs to achieve their goals, build their skills and confidence and stay active and social.


We offer individual recreation supports, group activities, social programs, recreational outings, learning and skills development opportunities and supports for school leavers. We also provide one-to-one individual support for daily living tasks and to support participation in social and recreational activities, including holidays.

Hear it from our clients!

Meet our clients at Mansfield Community Hub who tell us how they are exploring their passions and interests with Yooralla’s NDIS Social and Community Participation programs. Yooralla supports adults with disability of all ages and needs to achieve their goals, build skills and confidence and stay active and social.

Ready to try us? Ask about Joining a Yooralla Community Hub today!

Please complete the form below to request services from Yooralla or to speak to our Yooralla Connect team about any questions you may have. You can also contact Yooralla Connect on 1800 966 725 or yoorallaconnect@yooralla.com.au

 We are also accepting referral enquries

Who is this enquiry for?

Nominated Contact Person

If you would like us to talk to a family member, carer or professional on your behalf please enter their details below:

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